PADI Enriched Air Nitrox Specialty

Extend your no-stop decompression limits, have longer allowable dive times and shorter surface intervals

Quick Details

 Requirements: PADI eLearning

Why Nitrox?

Enriched air, also known as nitrox or EANx, contains more oxygen and less nitrogen than regular air. Breathing less nitrogen means you can extend your no-stop decompression limits, offering the potential for longer allowable dive times and shorter allowable surface intervals. Alternatively, it can be a tool for divers to make diving safer by reducing the risk of decompression illness.

Enriched Air Diver is the most popular PADI specialty and while it is a valuable asset for any diver, is an ideal choice for divers who:

1.) have superior air consumption who want to safely do longer dives

2.) do repetitive dives (more than one dive in a day). Especially useful for liveaboard diving.

3.) have higher susceptibility to decompression sickness (older, overweight, have a genetic predisposition, have experienced symptoms of decompression sickness in the past, etc.).

Divers who complete their Enriched Air Nitrox eLearning and join us for their checkout get to dive nitrox for free during their trip (limitations apply).

If you’re interested in becoming an Enriched air diver we can take care of your checkout dive and knowledge review while you’re diving with us!

You would need to take the Enriched Air Diver PADI eLearning course and affiliate with our shop.


1 Student

$ 50

PADI materials

$ 212